Mobile apps

Mobile platforms developed for your company’s unique needs.

What are the biggest benefits of a mobile app?

  • You can reach your customers immediately. An app is constantly “there in your customer’s pocket”, which allows them to be immediately available for various notifications. This will encourage them to buy or take action at any time!
  • Personalized user experience. The essence of a mobile app is to make things easier for your customers, users of your app can find all their data in one interface and take care of their business in a matter of seconds.
    For example: they can upload data, place their orders, etc. This can significantly increase your customers' commitment to your company and, of course, the customer experience.
  • Our featured references
  • Our featured references
  • Our featured references
  • Our featured references
  • Our featured references
  • Our featured references
  • Our featured references

Our featured references

  • Plazmaszolgálat Kft. - booking appointment and marketing app
  • Plasma Service Europe Gmbh. - International reference - booking appointment and marketing app
  • ITR - Internal, enterprise application - digital signature, scanning, warehouse management
  • Gyopárosfürdő (Dacia Duster campaigne) - questionnaire app
  • Cemix Hungary Kft. - Internal B2B web store with SAP connection
Who is an app for?

Who is an app for?

From the point of view of user groups, two types of apps can be distinguished:

  • In the case of internal enterprise apps, the target group is the company's employees. It can be an excellent tool for making internal processes more efficient, improving internal PR activities, and it can even play an effective role in the preparation of management decisions.
  • External customer apps, in which case the target group of users are your customers and clients. Its task is to directly increase conversions, purchases, appointments, etc, improve the customer experience and to be able to reach your customers and clients anywhere and anytime with your current offers and promotions this will encourage your customers to take action.

What user features can be built into a mobile app?

The sky is the limit, however there are certain features that make an app a much more convenient and efficient solution for users than a traditional web interface.

  • Marketing: promotions, calls, engagement, etc.
  • Shopping - store, even connected to your webshop
  • Book an appointment
  • Code scanning (QR code, barcode, etc.)
  • Communication processes (messaging, picture sending)
  • Inventory management and invoicing
  • Use of access control systems, identification
  • Order and Credit Card Payment (K&H, OTP, Borgun, Paypal, etc.)
  • Access to digital educational materials
  • Dating services
  • Access entertainment / multimedia content (film, book, music, games, travel)
  • Map apps
  • Transact votes
  • Fitness apps: workout plan and workout programs
  • Business apps: warehouse management, document management, etc.
What user features can be built into a mobile app?
What is needed to create an APP?

What is needed to create an APP?

First of all, the idea. Based on the information you provide, our colleagues will not only prepare a price offer, but will also compile the operation of your new app for you item by item. During the preparation of the price offer, we think through the possibilities together, drawing on our past experience and references.

Ask for a consultation date from our expert colleague!

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How is an app made?

  • 4. lépés CONSTRUCTION
  • 5. lépés TESTING
  • 6. lépés INTRODUCTION
How is an app made?
You have a new app, but how are people going to find and download it?